Wow, we haven't kept up with this blog very well... AT ALL. Well thats one of the few New year resolutions I have made, to keep up with this blog so that people who love us can read whats going on in our lives... but you could always give us a call because we love to hear from our friends!
Well lets see i haven't written since July and a lot has happened since then. Dallin and I were both excepted into school. Dallin is doing online school with University of Phoenix which fits great because he is also working full time as an electrician at Utah State. I started school at Utah State University for my first semester in the fall and am continuing school this upcoming semester. This year was a hard one as well. I lost my job and it took me a while to find another one that would work with my school schedule. Dallin was great during this time picking up extra shifts to help supplement the loss of income. But I did finally find a new job and I've been training for the last little while. I work up on campus and its really convenient.
Dallin was recently the Best Man at, his friend, Caleb's wedding. Sierra, one of my best friends, is coming to Utah to visit soon. Around the same time my brother Cory is moving in with me and Dallin.
That's pretty much all for missed information. But we had a good holiday with friends and family! Here is one of our first kiss of 2010. We hung out with Dallin's family for a while but rung the new year in watching a movie with our friends, Scott and Kandis.